Restoring Hope!
Refugees have been so strong throughout their journey to the US and now they need our help. Learn how REDA empowers refugees as they adapt to their new life
Connecting the community
We understand that it takes a village to support newcomers and refugees. Whether you are an organization or an individual, learn how you can become part of this village -
REDA Service Center Helpline
If you are a Sacramento refugee, asylees or legal immigrants with language barriers, social challenges or financial struggles, we are here to support you. Please complete the helpline form below and our team will try its best to respond in a timely manner
يدرك فريق منظمة “رضا” حجم المعاناة التي يواجهها اللاجئون والمهاجرون في ساكرامنتو. اذا كنت ترغب في التواصل مع فريق رضا لتلقي الخدمة، يرجى الضغط على الزر أدناه لملء استمارة طلب الخدمة وسيبذل فريق “رضا” قصارى جهده للتواصل معك في أقرب فرصة
اگر پناهنده ساکرامنتو هستید، پناهنده یا مهاجر قانونی با موانع زبانی، چالش های اجتماعی یا مشکلات مالی، ما اینجا هستیم تا از شما حمایت کنیم. لطفاً فورم خط راهنمایی زیر را تکمیل کنید و تیم ما تمام تلاش خود را می کند تا به موقع پاسخ دهد
که تاسو د ساکرامنټو کډوال، پناه غوښتونکي یاست.او د ژبنی ستونزو، ټولنیز ننګونو یا مالي ستونزو سره مخ یاست نو موږ دلته ستاسو د ملاتړ لپاره یو. مهرباني وکړئ لاندنی د مرستی فورمه ډکه کړئ او زموږ ټیم به په خپل وخت کې د ځواب ویلو لپاره ترټولو غوره هڅه وکړي.
We strive to elevate and address the needs of the refugee &immigrant community in the Sacramento Area through culturally sensitive programs and critical services to help attain self-sufficiency, which will allow for better integration into the community at larg
Creating a bright future for refugees by promoting their physical and emotional well-being
Due to its solid relationship with the Sacramento Refugee population and its outstanding support, REDA has received two Awards of Recognition for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019) from Sacramento City Mayor Darrell Steinberg.